As usual we started with ukemi. One thing we did differently was forced ourselves to do zempo kaiten when our leading foot was not pointing in the direction we were going. It was basically sokuho kaiten from shizen no kamae.
Next we did three basic tehodoki moves from a same side wrist grab. The focus being just getting the hand free and using taijutsu.
- Move to the outside. Later we continued this to apply an armbar and throw. I don't know the name of that technique.
- Rotate your hand to gain position for something like ura gyaku, etc.
- Lower your body and position your hand parallel to uke's forearm and raise up as you lock the elbow and then do something like ganseki nage.
We also did some balance breaking exercises. The only one I can remember is taking the shoulder. I don't remember what the setup was.
Uke: Tsuki to face.
Tori: Uke nagashi to the inside, shift in and from hicho attack both legs. It seemed to work best if you mirrored the position of the uke's feet. That way when you move into hicho you'll be in the center of their open legs.
Uke: Double handed lapel grab.
Tori: Cover with both hands then replace your hands with your elbows. Use the elbows for control. Lower your body, use taijutsu, and strike with the free hands.
Uke: Single hand lapel grab and tsuki.
Tori: Shizen no kamae. Cover with the same side hand. When the punch comes receive it with your other hand. Guide it to the uke's other hand and capture both hands. Use your elbow to control and strike with your other free hand.
There are probably a couple of other things I'm forgetting and if they come to me I'll edit this. Good times as usual. Gambatte!