Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Richmond (Doug) Class 9/5/2006

I've been to Doug's dojo many times and last night was my first class with Doug teaching. We started class off gathered in a circle and performed the sanshin no kata. After that we paired up and went through the koshi kihon sanpo. Doug had us practice it in the typical fashion and then with the uke having more intent with the purpose being that your distancing and timing should change to reflect the change in the uke's attack. He also had us be aware of additional strikes you can add or remove in the kata to suit the situation. Before each exercise he asked the class what the main point of the exercise was. For ichimonji it's moving your whole body and taking an angle off the line of attack. For jumonji it's using your legs and hips to shift off the line of attack and to shift into the counterattack. For hicho it's using your balance. I'm glad he brought these points up because it's one of those things that seems so obvious but unless it's specifically spelled out you may not see it. Or you may see it and not get that the point of the kata is to teach that specific 'thing'. I don't always make that connection but I think if you try to make these connections in your head the taijutsu becomes more alive because it won't be just muscle memory.


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