Thursday, May 03, 2007

Shima 05/01/2007

Tuesday was Paul's birthday so class was kinda short but there was a large turnout. It was the largest of any regular class that I'd seen there. We started with solo sanshin no kata and then continued with the shinken flavored torite kihon gata. We did jumonji and hicho no kata. After that we did a kata from the Kukishin Ryu (not sure which) that went as follows:

  1. Uke: Seigan no kamae.
    Tori: Hira no kamae. Uke throws migi tsuki to the face and you uke nagashi to the inside. Uke throws hidari tsuki to face and you uke nagashi to the inside again. Uke throws a migi zenpo keri and you uke nagashi the thigh as you shift forward. Uke then throws another migi tsuki to the face and you uke nagashi by shifting into jumonji no kamae with your hands switched from their usual position. You uke nagashi is really just a block/catch to apply either oni kudaki or ura oni kudaki. You can then either kick or knee the groin or stomach and then step behind to take the uke down. The oni kudaki can be replaced with musha dori.

  2. After that the movements were less complex.

  3. Uke: Seigan no kamae. Migi then hidari tsuki to face.
    Tori: Hira no kamae. Uke nagashi up for the first one, uke nagashi straight down for the second one, then do whatever.

  4. Uke: Seigan no kamae. Zenpo keri to stomach area.
    Tori: Hira no kamae. Move to the outside with hira no kamae while pushing straight down onto the uke's leg right above the knee.

  5. Uke: Seigan no kamae. Zenpo keri to stomach area.
    Tori: Hira no kamae. Apply keri kaeshi.

That took about an hour and a half and then it was food and socializing.

Good times. Gambatte!

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