Friday, March 24, 2006

Round Hill Class - Thurs. 3/23/2006

Being the senior most student at this class and with Brian's leg not fully functional I've been guiding/teaching the training lately. Lately being the last couple of classes. I've only been to a handful of these classes so far but I'm trying to make it a regular thing. So, as usual we started with ukemi (breakfalls i.e. recieving with the body). I demostrated zempo (forward) and koho (backward) kaiten (roll) with an emphasis on slow and controlled movement. After that we had a special treat in throwing boshuriken! It was kinda pointless though 'cause no one knows what they're doing. It was good though 'cause I haven't thrown them in a while and I'm a bit rusty. The rest of the class was spent performing very basic tehodoki (wrist escapes).
  • same side grab one hand - one escape
  • cross grab one hand - one escape
  • both hands grabbed - four escapes
This is enjoyable because it is geared towards the beginners and it allows me to get back to the basics which I feel are very important. It also gives me the chance to teach some things which I've been itching to do but haven't really had the opportunity to.

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