Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Falls Church Class - Tues. 4/4/2006

We were indoors again although it would have been easier on the knees had we been outdoors. We had a vistor tonight too. My friend and old cohort Dave from Richmond was in the area so he swung by and evened out the class (just four of us). We started with the usual ukemi then Dave had to get all crazy and bust out the sword evasion. :-)

The first one was very basic. Tori is in ichimonji, uke is in diajodan and performs shomengiri, you step to the outside, do zempo kaiten, then zempo tobi with a boshiken to the kidney. Then came the fun stuff: rolling from fudoza. We tried rolling backwards at an angle on both sides then forward at an angle on both sides. The easiest and most natural was rolling backwards and to whichever side your lead foot was i.e. right foot forward roll backward and to the right.

After the ukemi we kept going with techniques from fudoza. We didn't do any specific kata but just played around with defending from fudoza. After about an hour we gave our knees a break and did similar movements on our feet. The feeling the entire evening was "receiving" and going with the flow.

There was one thing that was new to me. Uke throws a punch, you receive and move underneath the arm crouching down and pulling the uke over your body. This works really well if your uke is the same weight or less. If they are heavier it's abit harder and you have to do it really smoothly. You can use your free elbow to aid moving your uke over your back by lifting their legs.

I had a good time and was happy Dave was able to make it. He actually got to class before I did!

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