Friday, June 01, 2007

Karasukage 05/30/2007

Tonight we covered just a handful of the Togakure Ryu methods of survival. Most of the techniques involved the use of the shuko. First we did various tehodoki with shuko. This was henka of the various ude tonso gata.

    Taijutsu Ukemi
  1. Kaeshi dori
    Uke: Daijodan shomengiri
    Tori: Zenpo kaiten into the uke kicking to the hara, groin or leg while covering with the shuko. Koho kaiten away. When you koho kaiten disarm the uke. Unleash shuriken or metsubushi if necessary. Some would say it's always necessary.

  2. Ken nagare
    Uke: Daijodan shomengiri
    Tori: Hidari ichimonji no kamae. Quickly move into uke's space with a migi shikan ken to the hara and assuming a migi gedan ichimonji no kamae. Koho kaiten away disarming the uke. I don't remember how the shuko is used here.

    Santo Tonko no Kata
  1. Atekomi tonsou gata
    Uke: Daijodan shomengiri
    Tori: Hidari ichimonji no kamae. Quickly move into uke's space with a migi shikan ken to the hara and assuming a migi gedan ichimonji no kamae. Several take downs are available: you can stand up in between the uke's arms; reach up with the shuko, etc.

  2. Ichinokamae
    Uke: Daijodan shomengiri
    Tori: Hidari ichimonji no kamae. Move in from the outside striking the uke's hand with the hidari shuko and striking the uke's face with the migi shuko. Pull the two points apart.

  3. Ittoh dori
    Uke: Daijodan shomengiri
    Tori: Migi ichimonji no kamae. Switch to hidari ichimonji no kamae as you catch the blade. Lock the blade with the shuko. Kick to the hara, groin, or ribs as you take the sword.

  4. Kubisugi tonsou gata
    Uke: Migite kubisugi
    Tori: Shizen no kamae. Reach up and grab the uke's hand as you turn and strike the ribs with an uke nagashi. Apply ura gyaku in an up-down motion to get the uke away from you.

      A few henka.
    1. Uke: Migite kubisugi
      Tori: Shizen no kamae. As you turn strike the ribs with an uke nagashi while rotating your head under and to the other side of the uke's arm. Apply ura gyaku. This is basically a shortcut of the kata.

    2. Uke: Migite kubisugi
      Tori: Shizen no kamae. As you turn strike the ribs with an uke nagashi followed by a fudo ken. Tenchi tobi into the uke's leg striking the knee with your rear foot and the top of the thigh with your front foot. This one is kinda hard to practice safely.

    3. Uke: Migite kubisugi
      Tori: Shizen no kamae with sword. This was actually the first one we did. Tsuki the uke's hara with the saya, draw the blade as you turn around and cut the uke down. Stay low.

As always I had a blast. Gambatte!

I'm always curious to the spelling and meanings of the techniques, which I'm sure many budoka are, so I looked at the materials I have on the Togakure Ryu and found this category of kata spelled two different ways: santo and zanto. Plugging both of those into my favorite dictionary and got the following:

三徳 (さんとく)
Santo - Three primary virtues.

竄匿 (ざんとく)
Zanto - Diving under cover and hiding.

Because this is Togakure Ryu I would put my money on zanto being the correct spelling but of course the video spells it santou. My notes show zanto tanko no kata meaning "escaping forms" and the video doesn't say what san tou ton kou means and more than three kata are shown. Usually when this happens you just look at the kanji but the kanji in the video don't match any I saw in the dictionary. Also, tonso is "fleeing" so I would guess "zanto tonso no kata" is a more accurate description. Oh well. This is part of the training.

Other terms.

首筋; 頸筋 (くびすじ)
Kubisugi - (noun) Back of the neck

首筋を違える (くびすじをちがえる)
Kubisugi - (expression) To wrench one's neck

遁走 (とんそう)
Tonso - fleeing; escape

Kaeshi - This spelling didn't return an exact match but the variation kaesu is congruent with the general meaning of kaeshi.

還す (かえす)
Kaesu - to send back

返す (かえす)
Kaesu - to return something

反す (かえす)
Kaesu - to change; to turn over; to turn upside down


Unknown said...

The Quest video of Togakure Ryu uses 鼠逃 - the character for rat or mouse and the zodiac animal for this year. Hatsumi Soke even makes specific reference to Mice in the dialogue. But, like everything else, there probably isn't one set answer.

Thomas said...

Thanks for that bit of information. I did not know that was the character for rat. I guess that's one reason why Togakure Ryu is this year's theme.