Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Kihon Shibu - 10/08/2007

We're finally back on our regular schedule and it's about time. With the change in season our whole training session is in the dark. And with the lack of rain our training spot has turned into a dirt pit. With all the grass gone the rocks, sticks and other debris have made themselves known.

We started the night out with combinations of three types of ukemi. After that we practiced zenpo kaiten from a more upright position as opposed to getting low to the ground first. Then I introduced tobi kaiten. Or at least tried to. We didn't have anything to really roll over and it was dark so that may have made it harder.

After that we did our first "applications of ukemi" exercise. All that amounted to was me doing the kihon torite gata with Johnny as uke. Now that the ice is broken we'll probably do this during every session.

Next was an uke nagashi drill. We started from shizen no kamae in front of each other with about an arms length distance between us. We both assumed ichimonji no kamae. The uke would throw a jodan tsuki and the tori would just evade. We focused on starting in good kamae, throwing a proper tsuki and evading with good kamae. We alternated left and right sides and uke/tori roles. After doing that for a while we added the uke nagashi and continued the drill until it was about time to go. With the last ten minutes or so we went through the sanshin no kata to clear up any questions.

This time we got a bit more dirty and were a bit more physical but had a great time. Things are moving along well.

Gambatte kudasai.

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