Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Richmond (Dave) Class 9/11/2006

Black belt class at Dave's with Daryl and myself. We started with some sanshin no kata against an uke. Chi, sui, fu, and ka were pretty much standard. There were sight variations with the strikes and take downs. Ku no kata was different in that when the attack came we used yoko aruki from hicho and kicked with the rear leg. It flowed really well and I'm happy to have it in my toolbox. After that we did ganseki nage because that's everyone's favorite kihon and we did a basic counter. Before you're about to be thrown dive into the space next to their leg and either clamp onto it or cover yourself with your free arm. With the other arm be sure to grab the uke's clothing or something to throw them. Hang onto them and follow up with kicks and whatnot. After that we did basic multiple attackers. The setup was the tori was in a corner with two uke's attacking with one punch from the front. Timing is important on this and also how well the uke's perform their role as an uke. The tori needs to evade the initial attack and determine if he wants to bait the next attack or just deal with each uke one at a time. Our focus was tangling the uke's up together. The tori had to be sure to protect himself from the first uke and still leave an opening for the second. That was fun. Next we went inside and did a basic ground fighting move. The tori is on the ground with the uke in between your legs with one arm on the ground about to hit you. With the closest hand hold onto the wrist. Pull yourself up to the uke and wrap your other arm around their shoulder and underneath their arm and grab your own wrist. The uke may attempt ukemi so have your legs wrapped around to prevent that. With your opposite side foot you can place it against the uke's knee to help pull yourself out from underneath. This is an armbar and a shoulder lock so you must maintain pressure as you're moving into position. After that we did some randori and thoroughly enjoyed it.


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