Thursday, September 21, 2006

Richmond (Doug) Class 9/20/2006

This was the largest class with 15 people including Doug. We did the usual sanshin no kata and ukemi. I'll try and recall the things we did.

  1. Uke: Tsuki to face.
    Tori: Barely move off the line of attack to the outside. Catch the wrist with the rear hand and grab the tricep muscle with the front hand. Roll it over and place it on the ground. When grabbing the muscle use your finger tips to grab first then roll it into your palm. Move as if punching the ground rather than pressing against the back of the arm.

  2. Uke: Tsuki to face two times.
    Tori: Receive the first to the inside. On the second one go for the rear arm and apply musha dori.

  3. Same as the previous one except when applying musha dori if it doesn't work switch to musou dori with a leg sweep/throw.

I'm pretty sure we did more but that's all I can remember.


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