Friday, September 08, 2006

Richmond (Doug) Class 9/7/2006

Last night we covered a nice range of basic material. We started the evening with zempo kaiten, gyaku zempo kaiten (?), and sokuho kaiten. Then we went back and forth across the dojo doing daijodan shomen giri. We weren't stepping through with the cut though we were keeping the same side kamae and cutting. This was to get the shoulders warmed up. Then we practiced some leaping which I haven't done in a while. Doug stood in the middle of the dojo with a kyoketsu shoge. He swung it around while we each took turns practicing tenchi tobi. We did three heights: ankle, knee, and hip. After that we practiced leaping forward and backward from ichimonji no kamae. Doug attacked our forward leg with a padded bo. First we did the standard koho tobi. Second was a koho tobi where we switched kamae. I guess that would be gyaku koho tobi. Finally we did gyaku zempo tobi. After that we paired up and went through omote gyaku, urate gyaku, and oni kudaki, switching partners with each kihon. We ended class with koku from Gyokko Ryu. Good times.


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